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Special Offers Clearinghouse

Unik Adv presents a number of special offers throughout the year. Some of them are extremely popular but are available for a limited time only. However, after that expiration period, we are able to extend the offers to a limited number of marketers. Those marketers can find offers that we are able to extend right below, on this page:

  • Please be sure to check back from time to time to see if you’re missing out on any new offers;
  • Please be sure to mention each offer’s special code when ordering;
  • Call, text, email or contact us through the site


Offer 1: Discounted Redeployment

We’ve found that the best campaigns included multiple touches. In order to help our marketing partners achieve their goals, without breaking the bank, we offer discounted redeployments:

  • First campaign placed at full price
  • Subsequent campaigns at half price

The fine print: all campaigns must target the same audience, using the same creative, the order must be placed at the same time, and the invoice pre-paid all at once (for all touches). Any changes to this “fine print” must be agreed upon by Unik in advance of the initial drop.

Offer 1 Special Offer Code: be sure to mention “Special Offer Number 1” when placing the order for your Discounted Redeployments campaign.



Offer 2: BOGO

This special offer is for our multi-channel clients. For those who utilize both our email and our SMS capabilities, we are able to offer the following:

Supplement your email campaign with an SMS campaign – and get the email campaign FREE!

  • Email remains the bedrock of marketing. Our lists typically outperform all other third-party databases.
  • SMS is ubiquitous. Each is matching to a live, active email address.
  • Combined, they’re a winning solution. We see lift in response for multichannel campaigns at 20% or more.

Volume discounts apply – so contact us and get a quote in 15 minutes or less to see how much money you could save.

Offer 2 Special Offer Code: be sure to mention “Special Offer Number 2” when placing the order for your Buy-One-Get-One (“BOGO”) campaign.



Unik has seen a lot of success through its membership initiative, which allows for UNLIMITED email deployments, for a flat, one-time fee.

From time to time, we are able to extend this special offer to our non-members. Connect with us to see if it’s available to you!

For example:

  • Send 1 campaign out to 10,000,000 people? Done!
  • Send 10 campaigns out to 1,000,000 people? Also done!
  • Send 10 campaigns out to 10,000,000 people? You got it – unlimited for a one-time, flat fee.

Email us to find out more!

Offer 3 Special Offer Code: be sure to mention “Special Offer Number 3” when placing the order for your Unlimited Deployments campaign.